
  • 电子邮件协调员:  Manage email list; collate PTO email announcements and forward on to the Pittsfield parent and teacher community.

    花园协调员: General maintenance of our school garden; coordinate programming with staff and classrooms; engage volunteers

    酒店椅:  协调学校活动的茶点和其他形式的招待,如PTO欢迎早餐, 幼稚园团结会及员工答谢午餐会.

    商品协调员:  Coordinate the sale of Pittsfield Penguin spirit wear; maintain inventory; set up and manage a sales table at select school events.

    电影之夜协调员:  管理一些适合家庭的活动 电影之夜, 这包括选择电影吗, 宣布活动, 协调门票和折扣销售, 操作投影仪.

    PTO旧货店代表:  Increase awareness and encourage patronage of the PTO Thrift Shop; ensure the presence of Thrift Shop ads in PTO newsletters, 背包传单, and the school directory; procure proceeds.

    餐厅夜间协调员:  Arrange multiple dinner events in which local restaurants agree to give a portion of their sales to the PTO; advertise the events and encourage the patronage of the restaurant by the Pittsfield community.

    网站经理:  维护匹茨菲尔德专利商标局网站.

    年鉴顾问:  Assist in the creation of the annual Pittsfield yearbook; choose photos, 布局和文本创建一个成品.

