• FAQs

    The 全国荣誉学会 (NHS) is the name for the high school level organization. 会员是高中三年级或四年级的学生. The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is a middle school organization. Huron juniors should consider themselves as junior members of NHS.

    如果学生的累积GPA为3分.5 or better, the student is eligible to be selected as a member of NHS. 这封信很可能在邮寄过程中丢失了. Extra copies of the invitation letter are available from the Faculty Sponsor and on this website. Students may attach a copy of their transcript to the membership survey to demonstrate that they have an eligible GPA.

    The Faculty Council reads and scores each membership survey according to the Scoring Rubric. The NHS Constitution does not require a point system to aid the Faculty Council in rating candidates, but it does suggest that "developing and implementing a fair point system can provide a local Faculty Council with an effective system for selecting members of the chapter,它还为章节提供了样本点系统. The point system used at Huron was developed with student input and adopted by the Faculty Council.

    The NHS Constitution calls for a 5+ member Faculty Council to oversee selection and dismissal for the local chapter. The NHS Faculty Sponsor is a non-voting member of this committee. 理事会由学校校长任命. At 休伦高中, the Faculty Committee currently serves as the NHS Faculty Council. The Faculty Committee is a standing group with members from each department. The Committee represents faculty views and concerns within the school. The Faculty Council is selected by the Principal for their knowledge and ability to be objective.

    Each section of the survey is scored by a different pair of Faculty Council Members using the Scoring Rubric. Each pair of Council Members will work together to develop reliable and valid process for scoring. A different Council Member will read each section of the survey.

    The survey is the candidate's opportunity to highlight strengths in the areas of leadership, 服务的角色, 这是他们炫耀的机会, 所以他们不应该有所保留. 学生不应在调查中遗漏任何必需的区域. Typically, 当候选人未被选中时, 这是因为他们省略了支持细节, 尤其是关于服务和领导的部分.

    We encourage candidates to attend the information sessions on how to fill out the survey.

    The recommendation and scholarship sections on the membership survey are optional. The optional sections will only help a student's candidacy. 题目将按平均得分. The denominator in that average will depend on which elements of the application are submitted (i.e., 30 for the three required parts and an additional, 10 points for either of the optional sections). Thus, we won't include an optional section that does not give useful information or speak well of a student's candidacy.

    Is there a minimum and maximum number of students or certain percentage of the student body that can be accepted by NHS each year?
    一点儿也没有呢. The point data assigned by the Faculty Council is tabulated. There is usually a clear separation between the first tier of candidates, 谁被接受了?, 第二个是, 谁不是?.

    How are students notified of selection and are they given reasons why they didn't get in?
    Students are notified of acceptance and non-acceptance via letters mailed to their homes.

    根据NHS宪法, "Chapters are not legally or constitutionally obligated to share with parents and students information concerning specific students not selected for membership." However, we are happy to make a reasonable effort to answer questions or concerns. Parents or students who would like more information about their selection status should contact the Faculty Sponsor.

    The first person to provide feedback is the Faculty Sponsor. The next level of discussion should take place with the Principal. If he believes there has been a technical or procedural mistake, he can ask the Faculty Council to reconvene and review the situation. NHS宪法不需要上诉程序, and reconsideration by the Council or the Principal is rare.

    Why don't we get more reminders about the deadlines for picking up the Student Information Packet and returning it once it is filed in?
    Each eligible candidate receives a letter addressed to the student and his/her parent(s) in the mail. NHS eligibility criteria are also shared during school announcements. 承担责任是NHS的标志之一, and it is the responsibility of the student with the support of parents to respond on the appropriate dates.

    Do Junior members of NHS need to complete a survey for their Senior year?
    Yes. Junior members of NHS are encouraged to keep their grades up so that they will be invited for reconsideration the next year.